Mary Etuk Is Sorrow’s Breakout Star


Writer and director Millie Loredo took painstaking efforts to create a horror film with a band of serial killers that are complicated and sinister. She saw something in newcomer Mary Etuk that she knew would work for the character of Hersey.

Etuk has appeared in several short films, including Spirit Squad: Crime-Fighting Cheerleaders and Steve from Accounting vs. the Shadow Dwellers, but Sorrow is her full-length feature film debut. She said she is grateful to Loredo for taking a chance on her.

“Playing Hersey was difficult at first, because filming Sorrow was my first time shooting a full-length film,” she said. “I was a little insecure and felt like I was not doing as well as the rest of the cast, so I am hoping editing will help in my favor.”

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Loredo, however, doesn’t believe Etuk needs any editing. After casting her for the short film version of Sorrow in Utah, she saw her dedication to the role and decided she needed to be in the full-length version of the film.

“Mary was one of the very best on set, she understood the role, and I gave her very little direction because she was killing it,” Loredo said. “I can definitely say that she is a method actor, which was great, because she was able to deliver and was always on point when I called ‘action.’”

Modern Horrors, a website dedicated to reviews of upcoming horror films, echoed Loredo’s praises. “Although she isn’t the lead, Etuk clearly gives the standout performance of the film,” said Modern Horrors reviewer Grey. “Her dangerously electric performance was mesmerizing, and I was disappointed that we didn’t get to see more of the character.”

Etuk said she drew inspiration from Juliette Lewis in the thriller Natural Born Killers. While her level of intensity was hard to reach, she said, she had a great time getting into the role of a serial killer.

Loredo is proud of Etuk and said she anticipates audiences will truly enjoy the character of Hersey. Audiences will get their chance to see Etuk’s acting skills when the film premieres at River Oaks Theatre in Houston, Texas and on Amazon Prime Tuesday, April 21.

“I hope Mary continues acting and exploring different characters, because she is a great actress,” Loredo said. “If she puts her mind to it, she can deliver great performances.”

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About themoviesorrow

Sorrow is ready to scare you with more slaughter, more greed, more torment and what not. Story of pitiless killers and innocent girl, who become prey of these killers.
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